When you have a Harley-Davidson themed bathroom... |
You Know You Are A Biker When...
- Your bike has security alarms but your car and house don't.
- You have or want a room in your house decorated all in motorcycle theme.
- You measure the value of items in motorcycles. (That's worth at least two Harleys!)
- You have made an illegal U-Turn just to go back and ogle a bike parked at a gas station.
- You don't think there is anything wrong with having furniture, yard art, or accessories made from motorcycle parts.
- You pull out photos of your bike when someone asks to see your family album.
- You have photos of your bikes on the walls, but not your relatives.
- You plan vacation trips around motorcycle shops.
- You can't remember birthdays, including your own, but can quote the make and model of every bike you have owned, and on what day you bought them.
- You get irritated because the nude models are blocking your view of the bikes in your favorite biker magazine.
- You have to move bike parts to get to the kitchen table or counters.
- You either have your motorcycle in your house or you wish you had it in your house.
- You run out to wash your bike before company comes over.
- You gripe about a five minute trip to the grocery store, but can browse in a bike shop for 6 hours.
- You argue with others that ''chrome'' is an actual color.
- You would rather tie groceries to your bike and be seen in public than to be seen driving your truck on a nice riding day.
- No one recognizes you if they see you in a car
- You look for longer routes so you can spend more time on the bike
And of course, you know you are really a biker when....
- You wake up after a wreck and ask if your bike survived.